Computer Centre
IIM Jammu Computer Centre has a fast and reliable computer network of more than 500 devices. Institute has 40Mbps to 1 GBps Internet leased line connectivity. All the Hostels, Faculty Blocks, Administrative Block, Classrooms, Library, LAB and Sports area are connected through wired and Wi-Fi connectivity. All the blocks are connected through L2 & L3 switches (all the switches are linked through OFC) to provide connectivity at the user end. Three High-end Servers are used for computing and networking tasks. A firewall and Squid Proxy Server are used for access control. Three classrooms has a seating capacity of 100 students and has two projectors with the audio system classes. Every faculty and office room has a dedicated LAN connection on the Institute's network to provide round the clock access to resources on the internet. Wireless network is also enabled in the Mess, Bank and Security Blocks.
Email :- cc[@]iimj[dot]ac[dot]in

Class Rooms