Prof Vishanth Weerakkody is currently Dean for the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences (FoMLSS) and Professor of Digital Governance in the School of Management at the University of Bradford. Before assuming my present role as Dean for FoMLSS, I was Deputy Dean of Faculty, Associate Dean for Planning and Resources and Head of the School of Management. Since joining the University of Bradford in March 2017 as AD for Planning and Resources, together with the Dean, I led a successful restructure of the Triple Accredited School of Management. Although holding significant leadership responsibility, I maintain a healthy research track record and continue to publish an average of four papers per year in CABS 3* and 4* journals and will be submitting two impact cases for REF2021. My passion for solving societal problems through research and innovation together with a vast network of collaborators from both academia and industry has allowed me to attract over £25 million of R&D funding from the EU, ESRC, Qatar Foundation, British Council and Local Government. In December 2019 I was called to the house of commons to provide expert evidence to a special inquiry on ‘digital government in the UK’. Prior to joining academia, I worked in several multinational organisations including BAT Industries and IBM.